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Financial reporting and analysis, personal taxes, corporate taxes, payroll taxes, sales taxes, the company set up the dissolution.



Academic Programs

 we provide varies information from diffreent majors to schools for students and help them to get into the program. 




we provide tax and legal advisory. 



Wills & Trusts
(遺囑 &生前信托)



Our office also provide Will & Trust servces.
我们还提供遺囑 &生前信托服务.



we provide Group and personal insurance.

Estate Management


Property management is a value-added service of the property, in addition to providing services in the building and service, is a continuation of the basic needs of life and use of buildings, but also should increase revenues by operating management, to enhance the value of real estate and land..
物業管理是物業的一種增值服務,除了提供建築物內勞務與服務,以延續建筑物寿命與使用的基本需求外,更應藉由營運管理增加收入,以提升不動產與土地的價值。 物業服務項目包括:警衛保全,清潔勞務及設備設施類如電力、空調、升降機、給排水、安全系統等維護、修理、保養等三大類工作。

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